Lensbaby Photography: Vancouver, BC in Motion

Lensbaby Photography: Vancouver, BC in Motion

Lensbaby Photography

Before my visit to Vancouver, BC I hadn't really taken the time to experiment with my Lensbaby. I felt it needed to be a special occasion or something specific for me to bring it along. Once I started using it to capture some city scenes at night, I quickly fell in love with the dreamy effects it creates in camera (no Photoshop necessary)! The way it abstracts the lights draws your attention inward. It's just as dreamy in black and white. Check out more experimentation with the Lensbaby.

A City in Motion

These photographs are taken from the Burrard bridge. Here's some views from this bridge during the day including Sunset Beach. And if you want to "virtually" walk across this bridge with you, you will love these city views.

Lensbaby photography