Raw and Unedited: The Mission District, San Francisco

Raw and Unedited: San Francisco's Mission District

Raw and Unedited: The Mission San Francisco Photo Walk

Last month I introduced a new series called Raw and Unedited where I showed more of my photography process with you including behind the scenes editing in Lightroom through to the final photos of one photoshoot in San Francisco's Union Square district. It's a three part series I'm excited to continue this month with another photoshoot from San Francisco's Mission district!

October 3rd, 2015 was Scott Kelby's 8th annual worldwide photo walk day. It's the one day a year where photographers gather together on a walk in a city nearby. There were many to choose from in the San Francisco bay area but I chose to take part in one in the Mission district. If you've never experienced a photo walk, I highly encourage you to check one out! But you don't have to wait until next year, you can search on the internet for ones near your area on meetup websites.

Usually I'm more of a solo-shooter but I did enjoy the experience of being surrounded by other photographers exploring the streets of the Mission. It's also a good measure of safety. You do want to be cautious when walking around with major photo equipment in any city but if you're in a group you can be more at ease.

The Mission District, San Francisco

The Mission district, also known as "The Mission", is a neighborhood in San Francisco and probably one of the most colorful. There are small and large-scale murals and works of art on just about every wall you walk past. There were even a few instances of people actually creating or touching up some of their murals as we made our way through our route. Many alleyways full of color fill the Mission district, each one is a mini-museum of art to walk through. Two of the most well-known alleys are Balmy and Clarion, both of which you'll see glimpses of in the video below.